B2B - Business to Business
Transactions between supply chains to purchase raw materials for he use of manufacturing processes
B2C - Business to Customer
Transactions between the business and the consumer.
BI - Business Intelligence
Analytical insights of processes within your business.
Blockchain Implementations
Is the streamlining of operations, gaining visibility into supply chains and tracking assets.
BOM - Bill of Materials
The sum of all components required to produce a product.
CAD - Computer-Aided Design or CAM - Computer-Aided Manufacturing
Design of manufacturing production procedures from start to finish. Used to design prototypes, finished products and production runs.
CMM - Coordinate-measuring Machine
Checking of measurements and tolerances to produce products in line with industry standards.
CMMS - Computerisied Maintenance Management System
Specifically customised software to simplify, streamline and manage maintenance work orders and logs.
CMS - Content Management System
Computer Software database that manages website content development.
Cobots - Collaborative Robot
Robots that directly ineract with humans or within a shared space
ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning
A broad term that describes industry based accounting software. Capturing business transactions, orders, purchases, customers and suppliers data.
HMI - Human-Machine Interface
The connecting platform between the machine and human.
IoT - Internet of Things
A network of smart devices.
In the manufacturing sector it applies specifically to autonomous manufacturing, remote monitoring and operations, predictive maintenance and maximalised asset management and maintenance.
IIoT - Industrialised Internet of Things
Creation and application of technology to create and support SMART FACTORIES. It is the combination of machinery, analytics and people coming together with the goal of efficiency.
MTA - Make to Assemble
Strategy focused on having readily made parts available void of customisation. As orders are placed the processing time is sped up with the flexibility of retrofit available. Routinely used for products that are ordered in high quantities.
MES - Manufacturing Execution System
Tracking and documenting software of the manufacturing process from beginning to end stage.
MTO - Make to Order
Processing is undertaken only after an order has been placed. This is typically used in highly customised and personalised arenas.
MRP - Material Requirements Planning
Most commonly integrated into an ERP sytem, this software tracks and organises all materials required in the production process.
MTBF - Mean Time Between Failures
This is the expected or forcasted time between innate failure of machinery.
MTS - Make to Stock
Creation of inventory stock in anticipation of customer demand. This is a traditional strategy that requires thought and forecasts to avoid over or under production of inventory.
MTTR - Mean time to Repair
This is the expected or forcasted time it takes to repair failures (Refer MTBF)
OEE - Overall Equipment Effectiveness
Evaluation of availability, performance and quality to determine machine effectivenes.
OPC - Open Platform Communictions
Real-time plant data communicated between control devices from dissociated manufacturers.
OT - Operational Technology
Software tasked with changing machine processes on the factory floor.
PLC - Programmable Logic Controller
A customised computer that is programmed for manufacturing processes of production, machine function and lines.
PLM - Product Lifecycle Management
Management software that tracks a product from start to finish. This includes the resources, information and processes of production.
Poka-Yoke - Mistake Proofing
A japense term used in lean manufacturing. It has the principles of eliminating human error through prevention.
QMS - Quality Management System
A collection of business processes and policies. Used for planning and execution of manufactured products.
SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data Acquistion
Encompassing control system of software and hardware allowing control of processes both locally or remotely. It monitors and gathers data of interacting machine parts via HMI software and digitally logs all interactions.
SPC - Statistical Process Control
Monitoring of control processess using data to predict potential production issues.
Takt Time
Refers to the average time between the start of production of one machine and the start of the production of another machine.
TPM - Total Productive Maintanance
Analysis of machinery focusing on preventative maintenance.
WMS - Warehouse Management System
Software that manages a supply chain and warehouse. Tracking processes of a wharehouse operation from goods entering to exiting, including the raw material usage required.