Are you reading today's subscriptions, articles or blog posts for manufacturers? I am, and I never thought I would find myself in this space! There are dramatic changes occurring in our industry that are fresh, exciting and resourceful. If you are like me, you will dive deep and do all your research in a bid to stay abreast of what is happening. Conversely, if you do not like change, you are going to need some assistance. Things are changing and there is no stopping it!
The movement towards digital transformation has been happening for quite some time with the introduction of CNC machinery, barcode scanners, advanced ERP systems and robots. Next steps are being taken under the banner of Industry 4.0, the next Industrial Revolution. This movement is causing disruption amongst industry worldwide. We are now seeing businesses changing to create value and meet the demands of consumers. To stay relevant your business needs to become agile, resilient, and willing to adapt to new business models.
The underlying catalyst for all this change is COMPETITION. Australian manufacturers have been feeling the pinch of being undercut by less superior, albeit, far cheaper offshore alternatives for far too long. Our own governments are even using offshore products in state projects! Australia will never be able to meet the overseas market in its present state. Wages here in Oz are some of the highest in the world, coupled with our safety regulations it seems near impossible to try.
IOT forms part of digital transformation moving toward a goal of industry 4.0. This is a space that is creating financial benefit in areas that can be trimmed without losing quality or safety, thus making our Australian goods far more competitive.
The buzz word IOT can be broadly used amongst many industries, however, in the manufacturing industry it hones in on 6 key issues
- Autonomous Manufacturing
- Remote Operations
- Remote Maintenance
- Predictive Maintenance
- Connectivity of all Machinery
- Smart Asset Management
All of this seems overwhelming and you may be asking yourself, where do I even start?
Ti4 are experts in manufacturing diagnostics and solutions. We have revolutionised many businesses with customised software that decreased turnaround times for data entry from hours to minutes. Our experienced team is able to assist you in your journey to IOT success. Just remember, your involvement in this industrial revolution need not be a race, it should be a well-itineriased journey. There will be challenges to overcome and we can help you here too.
In my next blog update, I will be discussing identifying and overcoming challenges in Industry 4.0